New Garden Heirloom Print in my shop!

It's late winter as I'm writing this... and I'm currently waist-deep in seed catalogs. For the first time since high school, I finally have a backyard to garden in!

This print is inspired by some of the earliest spring veggies and flowers to start appearing in the early months. It features French radishes, May Queen lettuce, prairie phlox, trout lily, yellow carrots, snap peas, evening primrose, ruby queen beets and yellow violas.

You choose between a tabletop 8x10" size or 16x20" which fits well on an open wall.

This print is a high quality and vibrant on a beautiful, thick paper sourced from Japan. I partner with a printer to print these on demand, which lowers waste and keeps costs manageable for me.

garden heirloom artwork and illustration in fayetteville

Self Care: or How NOT to be a Feminist Company


Iā€™m quitting instagram